
  • A woman is holding the hand of a young girl while sitting in a chair.

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Center for Transformation Retreat: Body and Mind Growth for Health

Holistic health is a comprehensive approach to healthcare that considers the individual as a whole being, encompassing their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This approach emphasizes the interconnectedness of various systems within the body and the importance of addressing all aspects of a person's health to achieve overall wellness. Two important concepts that play a significant role in holistic health are the Polyvagal Theory and the Cranial Sacral System.

The Polyvagal Theory, developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, is a neurophysiological theory that helps us understand the way our autonomic nervous system responds to stress and trauma. The theory is based on the idea that the autonomic nervous system is not just a two-tiered system (sympathetic and parasympathetic), but a three-tiered system that includes the social engagement system. This theory highlights the role of the vagus nerve in regulating our physiological responses to stress and helps us understand how our body's reactions can influence our overall health.

The vagus nerve, the longest cranial nerve in the body, plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions such as heart rate, digestion, and emotional responses. By understanding the Polyvagal Theory, healthcare practitioners can help individuals regulate their nervous system responses, promote a sense of safety and connection, and improve overall well-being.

  • A family is sitting on a couch talking to a woman.

  • Two women are sitting at a table with a laptop and talking to each other.

The Cranial Sacral System, on the other hand, is a network of membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord. This system is crucial for maintaining the health and function of the central nervous system and plays a vital role in regulating the body's rhythms, including breathing, heart rate, and movement. Through gentle manipulation techniques, such as Cranial Sacral Therapy, practitioners can help release restrictions in the cranial sacral system, promote relaxation, and support the body's natural healing mechanisms.

When these two concepts—Polyvagal Theory and the Cranial Sacral System—are integrated into holistic health practices, they can have profound effects on an individual's well-being. By addressing the nervous system's responses to stress and trauma through the lens of the Polyvagal Theory, practitioners can help clients regulate their physiological responses, reduce anxiety, and improve emotional resilience.

  • A woman is sitting in a chair talking to a doctor.

  • A holistic therapist performs cranial sacral therapy on a young woman.

Furthermore, by incorporating techniques that support the Cranial Sacral System, such as Cranial Sacral Therapy, practitioners can help individuals release tension, restore balance to the central nervous system, and promote relaxation and overall health. This integrative approach to healthcare recognizes the interconnectedness of the body's systems and aims to address the root causes of health issues rather than just treating symptoms.

In conclusion, holistic health, with its emphasis on treating the individual as a whole being, provides a comprehensive approach to healthcare that can help individuals achieve optimal well-being. By incorporating concepts such as the Polyvagal Theory and the Cranial Sacral System into practice, healthcare practitioners can support individuals in regulating their nervous system responses, promoting relaxation, and facilitating the body's natural healing processes. Ultimately, holistic health offers a path to wellness that honors the complexity and interconnectedness of the human body and mind.

My name is Donna Suares, massage therapist, and health transformation practitioner. I have interned with John Upledger, DO, and innovator of Craniosacral Therapy® (CST) and the Upledger Institute clinic as a clinician, for 8 years and attended Saybrook University graduate program and research center for Mind/Body skills from 2012-2014. My private practice of over 30 years, a positive integrative health model, includes advanced intuitive training principles and scientific methods of mind and body, for original cause resolution.

Using CST , wellness , and Brain, Body, Heart, Health, coaching exploring the deeper meaning of life and an expansion towards our highest potential and being that facilitates release of mind/body muscle memory restrictions, including the membranes and fluids surrounding the central nervous system (CNS); therapy assisting in the musculature and the CNS systems natural ability to normalize itself and achieve health. In other words, returning the body to its self-healing abilities to holistic health.

Working with the body in a holistic way, offers the client a change model resulting in a growth and integration of mind and body. Recent brain and body science states that the immune system including the endocrine system, (hormonal system of the body) and the psychological (mindset) responses, all having a direct effect on health. We know this as the study of the interaction of behavior, neurological and endocrine influences called Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI).

Wellness coaching combined with clinical applications of light touch therapy provides the client with whole mind and body transformation.

  • Two women are sitting at a table talking to each other.



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Includes entire body treatment and mind and body growth assessment of the PNI system. (Relax the mind and body responses)

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Schedule 2 or more abundant hours of positive change.

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PNI coaching session. Call for program prices.

If you are in a self-development, weight management process or faced with life and health challenges this can be a great gift to assist you in expanding naturally and efficiently into the mind and body process for health. Make an appointment today.

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